We have relocated to the Florida panhandle. We have started a sanctuary for special need and unadoptable animals,, and are no longer facilitating adoptions
Jurassic Bark Rescue
A Giant and Extra Large All Breed Dog Rescue and sancuary
501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Public Charity
Be sure to follow us on Facebook
Jurassic Bark relocated to the Florida Panhandle 4 years ago with the plan of building a one of a kind Interactive, Educational Animal Sanctuary for Special needs and UNADOPTABLE animals. We no longer facilitated adoptions of any kind. Our animals are permanent residents.
Unfortunately life got in the way and our plans have been delayed by 2 years.
But we are not discouraged and we will not be deterred. We have so many new and innovative ideas that we want to try we're not giving up on our dream. I hope you will follow us on this wonderful new adventure.
Please use the button below to make a donation with
for information or questions Please call us
Take some time to watch our first attempt at a PSA video.
Saving one life at
We work with all breeds and all community and city rescue groups, shelters and pounds. We volunteer our time to other rescue organizations in the hope that by working together we can share knowledge and resources to help ease the homeless pet crisis.
We concentrate on large and giant breed dogs primarily because they don't last long in a shelter. There is simply no room. Larger dogs require more resources and have their own special veterinary challenges. Shelters have so many animals coming in daily they cannot possibly get the care they need. It comes down to numbers. Each one of these numbers represents a life.
A life we can save.
A life YOU can save.
By rescuing large and giant breed dogs we hope to alleviate some of the overcrowding in our shelters, free up space, resources, and supplies, thus giving more shelter animals a better chance of survival.
At Jurassic Bark we do not make judgment on those life is worth saving, we believe no animal should be killed simply because of a lack of space, an arbitrary timetable or a budget. No animal should languish in a canine prison just because they are not the hot breed of the moment, or because they cannot fit in a designer purse.
Our dogs are placed in Foster homes, loved and cared for until a forever home is found.
All life is precious and as a community we must work together to protect and preserve it.
Please use the button below to make a donation with

Thank you for your donation
Jurassic Bark Rescue is a 501 [c] [3] non-profit, tax-exempt, Public Charity.
Phone: (850) 520-0626
Email: jurassicbarkrescue@yahoo.com